Friday, November 21, 2008

Sail Away!

I woke up yesterday singing the song "What do you do with a drunken sailor?!" and I have no idea why. We used to sing it in chorus in elementary school and honestly, I haven't sung it since. But it was stuck in my head all day and I think contributed to the dream I had last night...

I was in Boston Harbor and it was filled will all different sorts of boats and ships. It was extremely busy.
I was tooling around in my little motor powered floating lounge chair and spied these four guys who were floating on a huge craft made from gigantic logs. Think Huckleberry Finn times 50. Each guy was manning a corner of the raft with long paddle poles. The entire surface was covered in waterproof sacks filled with who knows and clothing I surmised. They were going to float around the world on their handmade boat. Exciting! I decided to join them.

The float was much deeper than I had imagined. I actually wasn't sure how it really floated with the heavy logs piled on top of each other. We got out to the middle of the Atlantic when we realized something strange and wrong was happening to the floor of our craft. We looked down at the floor and there was a hole with a gigantic eye looking up at us. We were being infested with hundreds of extra large swimming rats!

They had come aboard in Boston and were eating away at the bottom of our boat and we were in big trouble. One of the guys and I grabbed a couple of blow torches and prepared for the onslaught of the rats as they chewed their way through our logs. There seemed to be thousands of them!

We eventually won our battle against the rats but our raft was compromised and we had to go ashore to assess the damage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i picked up bed bugs in boston once... it was just as traumatic, but real.