I ran into an old acquaintance and we decided to go out for Mexican food. His name was Jason Strange. We met at a restaurant and because Jason Strange doesn't believe in wearing shoes, he was sporting bright white tube socks.
We ended up sitting with another couple that we didn't know and Jason was leaning on their last nerves. He was being obnoxious, swearing, and being an all around wise-guy. He got a Pabst Blue Ribbon dumped on him. Jason jumped over the table and started making out with me. He was a really bad kisser. We left soon after that.
We jumped in his green Jeep Wrangler and he took me to his multi-million dollar apartment. I gave myself a tour of the place, stopping to pee in every bathroom. He introduced me to his brothers -- one older and one younger -- and they all ushered me into the screening room to watch a movie.
At this point I was feeling rather uncomfortable with the Strange brothers. It was like a 6th sense and I knew that if I was to go watch a movie with them that I would be gang raped. Terrified I ran from the scene, jumped in Jason's green jeep, and sped away to the nearest subway station. I parked the jeep in a spot but couldn't decide where to take the train to. I returned to the jeep only to find that it was gone.
Panic. I had lost Jason's jeep.
The next morning at church with all of my high school girlfriends I retold the story. I was mortified that I had been so hasty in my feelings towards the Strange brothers. Maybe they didn't want to have sex with me at all. And I had lost Jason's jeep.
He sent me a text forgiving me. He was, after all, a multi-millionaire and could buy another one. But I still felt bad. My friend Laura told me I should make up with him because he was rich and a really nice guy (despite his actions at the restaurant). I spent the rest of the dream feeling guilty.