Friday, October 3, 2008

Wicked Chickens

I was a member of the new season of Survivor. My tribe wasn't faring so well. In fact, we were really really hungry. A crate of three chickens shows up and everyone rejoyces -- food at last. But as they were slaughtering the birds, strange liquid and puss was oozing out of them. These chickens were poisonous.

I tried to warn my fellow teammates but they wouldn't listen. They were starving. After the chickens had been cooked their meat looked more than wrong. The meat of one of the chickens looked like crystals and when bit into they crunched. Another chicken's meat looked like sour cream. But did this stop my teammates from eating the chickens? NO!

So they got sick. And I didn't because I didn't partake in the meal. While everyone else went to the hospital I was left behind. The last to survive -- I won!

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